New Board Member

The ERF is pleased to announce that the Executive Committee has invited Dr. J.R.Kim to join the ERF Board of Directors and he has kindly accepted the invite. Dr. Kim is a leader in ER and other aspects of ELT in Korea and it is wonderful that he’ll be part of the ERF Team.

Here’s his biodata:
JeongRyeol KimJeong-ryeol Kim has a Ph.D. in applied linguistics from University of Hawaii and has been a professor of English at Korea National University of Education (KNUE) teaching methodology, integrated content and language teaching, English linguistics. He is currently serving as the President of KEERA which promotes extensive reading in Korea. He is proudly serving on the preparation committee hosting the Second World Congress on Extensive Reading. He has presented and lectured on ER and English digital libraries both domestically and internationally. He was involved in different government projects in curriculum, textbooks and English education using information and communications technology. He has published books on classroom English, teaching methodology, English curriculum, English classroom observation and analysis to name a few. He has published numerous articles in the area of elementary English education, technology enhanced English teaching and extensive reading.

Welcome Dr. Kim!

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