- We conduct the annual “Language Learning Literature Awards” which recognizes the best newly published graded readers in multiple categories.
These awards are made to encourage the production of better graded readers, the main source of learning material for extensive reading. Winners and Finalists may post the Winner/Finalist seal next to titles in their catalog, use the in advertisements, conference exhibits, or even print them on the covers of the books. Sponsorship is not required for participation.
- The ERF conducts the annual Language Learner Literature Award Ceremony in conjunction with the IATEFL conference each year. The ceremony includes a brief talk by a prominent ELT personage, after which framed awards are presented to the publisher or author of each winning title.
- We administer the MReader quiz system, which currently has more than 100,000 student users worldwide.
A clickable logo for each supporter is placed on the “splash page” of the site, the size in proportion to the amount of the contribution. Adverts are also included on each teacher’s class page selected randomly from the current pool.
- We continually add data to our annotated bibliography of works on Extensive Reading, which now contains some 600+ entries.
- We sponsor speaking tours of countries where the Extensive Reading Approach is on the uptake. In 2018, we sponsored or co-sponsored, three speaking tours in Vietnam, and one in Indonesia.
- We supply small grants to schools in 3rd world countries in order to establish a graded reading program.
- We maintain a list of all currently known books used for ER, both “graded readers” and native-speaker “youth readers” with statistics on level, page length, etc.
- We conduct a biennial “Extensive Reading World Congress“, the next of which will be held in Denpasar, Indonesia in August of 2023. Online “Extensive Reading Around the World” events were held in 2021 and 2022.
- We maintain relationships with, and foster new, national ER associations, which may, upon petition, become affiliates of the Extensive Reading Foundation.
- We provide information and resources for starting up and promoting ER.
- We have created multilingual “Extensive Reading Guides“, currently available in 13 languages.
- We maintain a web presence via our own website, http://erfoundation.org as well as on Facebook and a YouTube channel.
Advantages of becoming an ERF Sponsor
- Your clickable logo is displayed on the MReader.org page for all 100,000+ users to see.
- Your clickable logo is displayed on the erfoundation.org sponsors page.
- Teachers using MReader will see your promotional adverts on their class pages, displayed in random order from all publishers.
- Sponsors may request the collected student evaluations on their titles, which include questions on how much they enjoyed the book, the amount of dictionary look up, and three other questions.
- Sponsors will be immediately notified when we find newly pirated versions of your titles available on the Internet.
- The ERF occasionally purchases and distributes book sets to schools in developing countries, restricting the books to those of sponsors only. Over $5000 in books are distributed annually to schools in under-resourced countries.
- Your staff will receive a number of complimentary registrations to all of our international events such as our biennial Extensive Reading World Congresses.
Please note that no reference to ERF support is made when making decisions on the Annual Language Learner Literature Awards. All publishers receive equal consideration regardless of whether they are a sponsor or not.
Contact treasurer-at-erfoundation.org for information about sponsorship opportunities.