ER Bibliography


Meng Huat Chau, Francisca Maria Ivone, Greg Rouault, Thomas N. Robb & Rob Waring

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This bibliography is an attempt to extend the 2000 publication in Reading in a Foreign Language of the Annotated Bibliography of Works on Extensive Reading by George Jacobs, Willy Renandya and Julian Bamford. We have attempted to compile references and abstracts for works of various kinds related to the use of extensive reading as well as extensive listening, extensive viewing and relevant studies on vocabulary acquisition in second language education. The term second language is intended to include foreign language and includes works in English on learners of other languages, as well.

A Sample Entry

A Sample Entry

Policy for inclusion

When it came to deciding what to include in the bibliography, our key criterion was accessibility. Therefore, we did not include dissertations, and conference papers have not been included unless available electronically.  We have, included URLs whenever they were available. Our basic goal is to limit entries to those which clearly add new knowledge to the field. As a rule, entries should come from published articles in journals from reputable publishers, universities or academic associations. We will not publish articles published in predatory journals, the status of which will be determined by the archivist team.

Recommending new entries

There is a system for recommending new articles or books for inclusion in the bibliography at The Bibliography Archive Team will then take them into consideration. Only studies which clearly add new knowledge to the field are accepted.

Access for researchers

While anyone may access the bibliography, registered scholars, may “Like” specific abstracts as well as add constructive comments to existing entries. You may also request an account directly by contacting <> or by suggesting a new entry as mentioned above.

Call for new archivists

We are actively seeking people to join us in maintaining the bibliography. Please contact <> if you are interested, including a current CV with your relevant publications.

Past and present archivists

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