This area contains resources related to Extensive Reading for the use of teachers, publishers and students. The links on this page are provided for your convenience. The inclusion of a site on this page should not be construed to mean that the site has been approved, sanctioned or authorized by the Extensive Reading Foundation.
Feel free to contact one of the webmasters if you have a resource to contribute.
Free Graded Readers
There isn’t much out there that is legal. Beware of sites with pirated PDFs. It would be unprofessional and unethical to use these for your classes. Here are some legally available ones.
- Paul Nation’s site: Two out of copyright readers and many mid-range readers adapted from the Gutenburg site.
- We Love Teaching English: Separate pages for each year’s contributions. Here is 2019.
- “Reading on the Go” E-books from the U.S. Department of State
Yahoo Groups mailing list for professional discussion
This is a low-volume mailing list for discussion of pedagogical issues.
ER — A collection of resources for teachers, students, publishers and authors
ER Podcasts — Interviews with leaders in the Extensive Reading movement. By Jose Camino and Travis Past
Videos on Extensive Reading
Richard Day: Intensive vs Extensive Reading
ERF Logos and Badges for use by Publishers