Welcome from the Chairs

Greeting from the ERWC6 Chair

Cory Koby

Dear presenters, attendees, and invited guests,

On behalf of the Extensive Reading Foundation and our conference organizing committee, it is my great honour to welcome you to The Sixth World Congress on Extensive Reading (ERWC6) in Denpasar, Indonesia. After hosting successful previous conferences in Kyoto (2011), Korea (2013), Dubai (2015), Tokyo (2017), and Taiwan (2019), we have been anxiously anticipating this event for the past 4 years. It is our mission to promote the Extensive Reading (ER) approach to language learning as far and wide as possible, and these bi-annual global summits help us reach local and international language educators around the world. For this ERWC we have arranged a diverse lineup of plenary and invited speakers who will share their knowledge, expertise, and experiences with conference attendees and help to expand the awareness, understanding, and practice of ER in educational contexts ranging from primary to tertiary levels in public and private institutions around the world. We are thrilled to welcome around 300 conference attendees from Indonesia and 30 countries on 5 continents. This event will provide opportunities for language teachers to network, share their experiences, and learn from the world’s leading experts in our field. With some 150 presentations on theoretical, practical, and innovative aspects of our unique approach to language education, which should provide the participants with an abundance of information and new skills to apply to their teaching contexts. It is our sincere hope that you enjoy the conference while making new acquaintances and renewing old ones. Thank you so much for joining us at this event and making it a great success.

Greeting from the Local Chair

Made Hery Santosa

We warmly welcome you to the Sixth Extensive Reading World Congress (ERWC) in the beautiful city of Denpasar in the paradise land of a thousand temples of Bali, Indonesia. This year is very special to us all as the pandemic restrictions have been eased and today we can meet fully onsite for the fruitful and insightful academic event. The speakers include Doreen Ewert, Francisca Maria Ivone, Michael Lacey Freeman, Willy A. Renandya,  and Ni Nyoman Clara Listya Dewi, are of high profiles and well-known for their ideas and contributions to the Extensive Reading area specifically, and English learning and education generally. The conference has attracted around 300 attendees from Indonesia and all around the world, making it a very resourceful place to meet and discuss related themes on Extensive Reading. Extensive Reading Foundation (ERF) with its affiliates continue to create tremendous contributions in research, teaching, and practice resulting in impacts around the globe. At this conference, let us celebrate what we, as a professional community, have achieved, renew our friendships, extend our networks, and jointly explore current trends and future research directions.

Selamat Datang

Rekan-rekan yang terhormat,

Kami dengan hangat menyambut Anda di Kongres Dunia Membaca Ekstensif (ERWC) yang ke-6 di kota Denpasar, di pulau seribu pura di Bali, Indonesia. Tahun ini sangat istimewa bagi kita semua karena pembatasan pandemi telah dilonggarkan dan hari ini kita dapat bertemu sepenuhnya secara luring untuk kegiatan yang bermanfaat ini. Para pembicara meliputi Doreen Ewert, Francisca Maria Ivone, Michael Lacey Freeman, Willy A. Renandya, dan Ni Nyoman Clara Listya Dewi, adalah pakar-pakar yang terkenal karena ide dan kontribusi mereka di bidang Membaca Etkstensif khususnya, dan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dan pendidikan umumnya. Konferensi ini telah menarik minat sekitar 300 peserta dari Indonesia dan seluruh dunia, menjadikannya tempat yang sangat berguna untuk bertemu dan mendiskusikan tema terkait Membaca Ekstensif. Extensive Reading Foundation (ERF) dengan afiliasinya terus memberikan kontribusi luar biasa dalam penelitian, pengajaran, dan praktik yang menghasilkan dampak di seluruh dunia. Pada konferensi ini, mari kita rayakan apa yang telah kita, sebagai komunitas profesional, capai, perbarui persahabatan kita, perluas jaringan kita, dan bersama-sama mengeksplorasi perkembangan saat ini dan arah penelitian di masa depan.

Ketua Panitia Lokal

Made Hery Santosa