Plenary & Featured Speakers

  • Doreen Ewert

    Doreen Ewert

    Francisca Maria Ivone

    Francisca Maria Ivone

    Michael Lacey Freeman

    Michael Lacey Freeman

    Willy A. Renandya

    Dr. Willy A Renandya is a language teacher educator with extensive teaching experience in Asia. He currently teaches applied linguistics courses at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He has given more than 100 keynote presentations at international ELT conferences and has published extensively in the area of second language education. His publications include Language Teaching Methodology: An anthology of current practice (2002, Cambridge University Press) and Student-centred cooperative learning (2019, Springer International). He maintains a large teacher professional development forum called Teacher Voices.

    Ni Nyoman Clara Listya Dewi

    Clara Listya Dewi, is Director of Engagement at, an organization that focuses on strengthening physical and cultural environments through engaging the public in developing digital platforms. Dewi and her team developed a digital dictionary with three languages.

    BASAbali has developed a unique series

    of graphic trilingual novels(Balinese, Bahasa Indonesia and English) featuring a superheroine, Luh Ayu Manik Mas. The books offer language literacy, environmental and cultural literacy to children in an enjoyable way.

    See more information here!