Thailand TESOL & ERF Sign Agreement for Mutual Cooperation

At their 2025 conference, held in Bangkok on January 24 & 25, ThailandTESOL and the ERF signed a “Memorandum of Understanding” (MOU) that states:

The ERF and Thailand TESOL, hereby believe that mutual benefits can be derived through cooperation of their two organizations in order to promote better English learning for Thai learners of English. Both organizations agree that any new pedagogical approach such as Extensive Reading, requires a concerted effort over time, not only to change the mindset of the students and teachers, but the structure of the entire educational system.

The agreement was signed at their annual membership meeting on 25 January with a large number of their officers and past presidents in attendance including Thanakorn Thongprayoon (President of ThailandTESOL), Thomas Robb (ERF Chair), Rob Waring (Executive Board Member in charge of ERF Affiiiates), and Paul Goldberg (XReading) who is also a ERF sponsor and Board member.

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